In this first volume of a graphic novel series, creators Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque and Stephen King try to take back "The Vampire" from the emo makeover the myth has received in pop culture in the last few years. The vampires here are not forlorn or misunderstood. They don't have a tender heart not beating in their chests. These vampires are good old-fashioned bloodsuckers out for revenge or just a fresh meal.
The book follows the story of Skinner Sweet. In life he was one of the most ruthless outlaws in the old west. In death he follows the same moral compass. But Skinner Sweet is a new kind of vampire--the first real American vampire. He can walk in the light of day. And he's out to get the Old World/Old Money vampires that hunted him in life.
This is a really promising beginning to this series. The stories, though written by two different authors, come together seamlessly to tell the story of Skinner Sweet past and present. The characters fit the mold of similar characters from this type of story, but still seem fresh and interesting. The artwork to me is flawless and really adds to the interest building around the character of Skinner Sweet for me. And I really like the idea of taking the vampire myth back a step towards it's horrific roots, but still adding an interesting twist. I'm really looking forward to picking up the next volume.